

OP and rapprochement

Since publishing the correspondence around the decision of Open Polemic comrades to withdraw from membership of the CPGB (see Weekly Worker May 19), we have heard little from them. All those involved in the rapprochement process, not least our own members, have been disturbed by this development, since no one has had the opportunity to discuss their actions with them. Whilst welcoming the proposals for discussions with the PCC, we would urge the comrades to open the discussion to all those who are for communist unity. We invite them again to make use of the paper and CPGB seminars.


May 24 1996

At its meeting on Sunday May 19 the Provisional Central committee considered your letter of April 30.

We regret the decision by comrades Bob, John and Ian to withdraw from the CPGB. However, we are pleased to note your intention to enter discussions with the PCC with a view to rejoining on the basis of clearer mutual understanding.

We await your proposals for discussions.

Ian Farrell


June 1 1996

Thank you for your letter of May 24 signed by Ian Farrell.

On a point of correction, the withdrawal of OP comrades from the ‘CPGB’ resulted from the Editorial Board’s decision to suspend its representational entry.

The OPEB is considering the situation and reviewing the responses to its decision, including your own published responses.

For rapprochement

John Sandy
on behalf of Open Polemic

PCC to OP, June 10 1996

Thank you for your note of June 1. Your resignation letter of April 30 stated that your withdrawal was “in order to allow for the possible re-establishment of [your] representational entry on the basis of a mutually clearer understanding”. This would “entail discussions between [the Open Polemic Editorial Board] and the PCC” on “issues that have arisen during the period” of your membership of the Party.

We have not yet received any proposals for these discussions from you. Please forward them as soon as possible.

Mark Fischer
on behalf of the Provisional Central Committee