

Hulme victimisation

A CARE in the community project worker from Hulme, Manchester has been sacked for trade union activities.

In her position as health and safety rep Sheila Gheith had forced management to undertake a number of improvements in working conditions. As branch secretary of the Manufacturing Science and Finance union, she had organised support and solidarity for other workers in struggle, such as Revell and George printers, Peterloo housing workers and the signal workers.

A number of trumped up charges were used in an attempt to discredit and intimidate her. Subsequent investigations prove these to be untrue. However management persisted and she has now been sacked, allegedly for gross misconduct, on the word of her line manager.

Seven of her co-workers have joined her struggle for reinstatement and will be witnesses at her tribunal.

Roger Harper, Communist Party candidate in Hulme commented, “Such examples of victimisation are unfortunately much too common, but Sheila’s battle for reinstatement shows the commitment that is needed to rebuild a strong combative workers’ movement.”

Nick Clarke