
WW archive > Issue 911 - 26 April 2012

Like looking for a needle in a haystack

Peter Manson calls for critical support for Ken Livingstone, for Labour anti-cuts candidates and for all those standing on a left, working class platform


Reinvention; On other foot; Never again; Incapable; Nice cup of tea; Off the cliff; Deluded; Three cheers; World to win

Ideas to empower the anti-war movement

Michael Copestake reports on HOPI's successful weekend school

ULA: opportunity to lead

The United Left Alliance conference this weekend comes at an important juncture in Irish politics. Anne Mc Shane takes a look.

Antifa, nationalism and democracy

Maciej Zurowski interviews Freerk Huisken - until his recent retirement a lecturer at the University of Bremen - about his new book

Crisis and creeping despair

From the killing spree by a lucid yet paranoid Anders Breivik to the increase in private and public suicides in austerity Europe Paul Demarty asks, what is capitalism doing to our minds?

PayPal or cheque - Robbie Rix doesn't care how you do it. But please donate!

Another split, another sect

The left must organise on the basis of genuine democratic centralism, argues Ben Lewis

Disappointing result for left

The far-left in France underwhelms as the hard-right advances and the mainstream parties sit about equal after the first round of voting in the general election. Jean-Michel Edwin takes the scene apart.

How not to fight Tory smears

The tax row between Ken Livingstone and Boris Johnson reveals the limits of Labour's individual moralism, argues Eddie Ford

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