

Revolutionary democracy

This, as amended, was agreed at the first aggregate meeting of the Revolutionary Democratic Communist Tendency

1. For revolutionary democracy

We hold a revolutionary democratic attitude to all questions of bourgeois democracy (eg, civil liberties, wom­en’s rights, national question, racism, constitutional change, etc). We utilise bourgeois democracy, defend it against all anti-democratic forces, in­cluding the capitalists and the fas­cists. We seek to extend all democratic rights by mass struggle and revolu­tionary action. We consider the work­ing class is the only genuinely democratic class under capitalism. We consider that the working class can become the leading force in society by championing the struggle for de­mocracy.

2. For workers' power

We support the democratic self-or­ganisation of the working class in trade unions, workplaces and commu­nities. We are in favour of workers’ control of all industries and services.

We are in favour of replacing parlia­mentary democracy with a more ad­vanced form of democracy, based on workplace and workers’ councils electing delegates to a workers’ parliament. This must be defended by an armed working class organised as the state (ie, the dictatorship of the pro­letariat).

3. For international socialism

Socialism cannot be built in one or a few countries. It must be developed by the international organisation of the working class. Socialism is the transitional period between world capitalism and communism.

4. For world communism

Our aim is to abolish the world mar­ket system of capitalism and replace it by world communism. Communist society is a classless worldwide com­munity based on global planning, co­operation and mutual solidarity between the people of the world.