

Resignation pre-empted

Following the entry into the SLP of several members of the Indian Workers Association, led by the ultra-Stalinite Harpal Brar, the leadership in Southall found itself in a minority, outvoted by new members who seem to see their role as being unquestioning foot soldiers of the NEC. Unfortunately, instead of remaining in position to fight for their beliefs, the branch officers announced their intention to resign. Here we reproduce their rather pathetic letter

“We are writing to all members in the Ealing Southall Constituency whose addresses we hold and to the National Executive Committee to inform you of recent events in the Constituency Socialist Labour Party. We are aware that there are other members in this constituency who will not directly receive this letter as, despite several requests to the NEC, the election agent, Steve Cowan, and the general election candidate, Harpal Brar, we have been unable to obtain an up-to-date list of those who joined during the election.

“We believe that all members in the area have a right to know about decisions which have recently been taken by a minority of the CSLP without any consultation with those who founded it.

“At the last West London meeting it became apparent that there were clear political differences between the Ealing Southall officers present and a number of new members in the constituency. For example, these members were not prepared to question any decision made by the leadership, believing that branches should simply follow orders from the NEC rather than the NEC being accountable to the membership. One of these members also described Trotskyists as a “pollution” in the SLP, a view which received support from other new members.

“Following the meeting Annette Wright, the CSLP president, and Sarah Woodings, the secretary, decided it would be appropriate to resign our posts and call for nominations in order to ensure that those elected had a clear mandate to represent the CSLP; Michael McIlmoyle, the vice-president, was not present at the West London meeting and made no decision to resign his post.

“On Monday May 26 Annette Wright and Sarah Woodings received a letter from Steve Cowan informing us that there was to be an Ealing Southall CSLP meeting on Wednesday May 28. Annette Wright informed Steve Cowan the following day that, as no existing members had been notified of the meeting and the officers had only just been informed and could not attend, the meeting could not be classed as a CSLP.

“During the same conversation she informed Steve Cowan that two of the officers intended to resign and would be calling for nominations at a meeting on June 16 to elect new officers. Steve assured her that the officers would have names and addresses of new members by June 9 so that all members could be properly informed.

“Steve Cowan agreed to phone her back after the Wednesday meeting, but did not do so; instead he wrote another note stating that he was now acting secretary, Harpal Brar (who does not live in the constituency) was acting chair, and Adjar (no surname given) was the acting treasurer. We learnt soon after that the NEC are already under the impression that Steve Cowan is the new constituency secretary. We also understand that Harpal Brar recently attended a London meeting on behalf of the constituency. The officers had received no notification of this meeting.

“These decisions have been made with no involvement of most members in the constituency. Neither Annette Wright nor Sarah Woodings had stated at the time that they had resigned, only that they intended to do so. Michael McIlmoyle had told no one that he had any intention of resigning.

“The officers had raised concerns during the election campaign about the undemocratic way in which decisions were being made and it appears that these practices are continuing in the constituency. We all now feel unable to continue to hold posts in a CSLP which appears to be run by a small number of people, some of whom are not residents of the constituency, without regard for local members.

“We believe it is essential however that the NEC explain their position on these issues and that this information is communicated to all constituency members. We also insist that the self-declared ‘acting secretary’ convene a meeting at a venue accessible to the majority of members in order to democratically elect constituency officers and that those elected ensure they are accountable to the constituency rather than making decisions and assuming that others will automatically follow them.”

Michael McIlmoyle
Sarah Woodings
Annette Wright