

Bury the JSA

On Saturday hundreds marched in cities across Scotland against the introduction of the JSA. The Scottish Socialist Alliance organised city centre demonstrations in Glasgow and Dundee, while in Edinburgh a march sponsored by the trades council was held. Follow-up meetings have been called to build on the momentum from Saturday and to forge a campaign that can defend victimised claimants and bury the JSA. Plans are well advanced for producing a leaflet that advises claimants of the best way to deal with the new regulations.

The only way to ensure the defeat of the JSA is through a coordinated attack by the unemployed and frontline benefit workers, which must include non-implementation by trade union members and direct action by those who sign on.  Such a campaign needs to be coordinated across Britain.

It is not just a case of getting rid of the JSA in Scotland: it has to be removed from every corner of Wales and England too.

Nick Clarke