

Left unites for election challenge in Scotland

Dundee Scottish Socialist Alliance this week chose its candidates for the forthcoming general election. The left in Scotland has joined forces to raise the socialist alternative

Earlier this summer the Dundee branch of the Scottish Socialist Alliance took the decision to stand candidates in both constituencies of the city in the coming general election. Last week at a selection meeting it was decided by a unanimous vote (with one abstention) that leading communist Mary Ward would stand in Dundee West and Scottish Militant Labour (SML) member Harvey Duke would stand in Dundee East.

Both candidates have an impressive track record of involvement in working class struggles in the city: actively supporting the Timex strikers, campaigning against hospital and school closures, council cuts and most recently against the Jobseekers Allowance. Previously Harvey has stood as a candidate for SML in the Whitfield district of Dundee, winning 21% of the vote. Meanwhile, Mary has stood in the North East Scotland constituency (1994 Euro elections) and the Hilltown ward (council elections) for the Communist Party of Great Britain.

Nationally the SSA is committed to using the electoral tactic to spread the ideas of socialism as far and as wide as possible. Elections are a time of heightened, general political awareness. By standing candidates we make use of the opportunity to put forward socialist ideas to a mass audience and to build an active membership and influence. However we must guard against electoralism. This creates the illusion that socialism will be achieved by voting every five years for an MP to misrepresent us, whether at Westminster or in a Scottish parliament. We must have no such illusions. The fight for socialism cannot be passive. It has to involve the organised activity and struggle of large sections of the working class.

As Mary pointed out during the meeting:

“The rotten system that we live under is destroying the lives of millions of people through unemployment, poverty and wasted talent. A serious alternative is required to the mainstream, pro-capitalist parties, and the Alliance must be prepared to engage in the battle on all fronts. This means supporting struggles against injustice, building solidarity with workers in struggle and assisting community resistance to cuts and closures.”

The SSA’s election campaign must play a vital role in establishing that alternative.

Nick Clarke