
WW archive > Issue 1461 - 05 October 2023

Staring at an electoral drubbing

Peddling conspiracy theories, bashing the EU, migrants and the undeserving poor - no wonder Nigel Farage loved it. But, writes Eddie Ford, this year’s Tory conference was dominated by one issue: HS2


Fund translations; Bankrupting dues; Whole left; Severe punishment; Prison rights; Cancel visit; Abolish Ofcom

The last emperor

Rupert Murdoch is due to step down as chair of Fox and News Corp. In his place will come his lacklustre son, Lachlan. Paul Demarty finds much of interest in Michael Wolff’s latest blockbuster about the real-life version of the TV drama ‘Succession’

Not much left of the left

So many rival projects and not a serious idea amongst the lot of them. A week ahead of the Liverpool conference, Carla Roberts looks at what little remains of the once mighty Corbyn movement

Debating unity in Socialist Alliance

Recently there has been talk going around about CPGB-AWL ‘fusion talks’ in the early 2000s. There were talks, that is for sure, but not about fusion. This was before the Iraq war and in the context of the Socialist Alliance, which brought together six principal organisations, including the CPGB, AWL, SPEW and SWP. In the interests of clarity and to encourage worthwhile left unity, we republish our report from October 2 2002 of the CPGB’s membership aggregate, written by Mary Godwin

Liberals and authoritarians

Joe Biden does not, cannot, understand the MAGA movement. Daniel Lazare looks at his September 28 speech and finds something rotten in the state of America

Hiding in the shadows

Interest rates are at a long-term high and look set to stay that way for at least a couple of years more. Michael Roberts warns that there are likely to be severe economic consequences

State oppression and a turncoat

David John Douglass reviews Richard O’Rawe, Stakeknife’s dirty war: the inside story of Scappaticci, the IRA’s Nutting Squad and the British spooks who ran the war Merrion Press, 2023, pp272, £14.95

Europe swings right

With far-right parties making big gains and set for further advance in EU elections in 2024, Kevin Bean asks how the left should respond

Online Communist Forum, Sunday October 8 5pm

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