

Smash through!

Robbie Rix reports on the Weekly Worker fighting fund

Thanks largely to those standing orders that always land in the Weekly Worker account this time of the month, our September fighting fund was given a big boost - no less than £807 came our way in week three.

That takes our running total up to £1,831 towards our £2,250 target. Which means we now have nine days left to raise the £419 we still need. In other words, we seem to be well on the way to getting there, but a word of warning: the fourth week of each month is often not very good (especially when it comes to those monthly standing orders).

Secondly, there’s that small matter of the £300 deficit from our August fighting fund! So we could really do with smashing through that £2,250 barrier by a large amount this time round. But, as I say, the donations this week have been very encouraging indeed.

First there were three-figure standing orders from three comrades - thank you, SK, KB and PM. On top of that, there were smaller, but still very significant, SOs or bank transfers from GB (£85), MM (£75), TR (£40), GS, JF and DR (£20 each), SS (£15) and JL (£7). Not bad at all.

But, as I pointed out last week, we are now faced once more with rising costs, so please help us not only smash through that barrier, but also wipe out the August deficit! Please send us a cheque or click on our PayPal button - or, better still, make a bank transfer. Please make your payment to ‘Weekly Worker’ at account number 00744310, sort code 30-99-64.

Please ensure that my optimism is not misplaced!

Robbie Rix