
WW archive > Issue 139 - 18 April 1996

Blair courts US big business

The warm welcome that US business and establishment figures gave to Tony Blair shows that their profits will be safe in ‘new’ Labour hands


ISG; Theory or chatter; University exclusion; Impaling Jake; Shit a brick; Leningrad calling

From alliance to Party

The struggle for socialism: Reform or revolution?

Lee-Anne Bates reports on discussions developing within the Socialist Labour Party

Organised chaos

Party notes

Left and right in Manchester

SLP candidates on May 2

SLP constitution in limbo

Brent Unison’s struggle

A play for our class

Nancy Morelli reviews 'On the Line', by Alan Spence at Dundee Rep (7.30pm Monday to Saturday until April 27, £6. 75, concessions available)

NUT votes for democracy

Stop police brutality

Alton Manning campaign

Defend press freedom in Turkey

Chasing shadows

Bob Smith - For a Permanent Party Polemic Committee

The real terrorist is Israel


Socialist Worker contradictions

Communist press

All together for the fight!

From 'The Workers’ Weekly', paper of the Communist Party of Great Britain, April 23 1926

Constitution for a democratic republic

Following the SLP national meeting on March 2 debates have continued on a number of the policy meetings and documents presented. The ‘Republican Constitution’ working group document reproduced below is a result of those debates and will be presented to the May 4 launch conference

National utopia?

Discussions have also raged in the Economy group. Here Ian Mahoney criticises the compromise document produced

Revolutionary democratic road: Russians versus Greeks

Dave Craig of the Revolutionary Democratic Group (faction of the SWP) continues the debate with Paul Cockshott on revolution and republicanism


Principles of our work in the SMTUC

The Fourth International Supporters Caucus is a sympathising section of the international Trotskyist movement, Usec. It includes Pat and Caroline Sikorski, Brian Heron and Roland Wood, who have made their name as the ‘doorkeepers’ of the Socialist Labour Party. Fisc originated in the tendency dubbed the ‘Fix its’ in Socialist Outlook (International Socialist Group), excerpts from whose document we reproduce below

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