

Touch and go

Robbie Rix reports on the Weekly Worker fighting fund

We received some handy donations this week, but now it’s touch and go whether we can make our monthly target of £2,250 for February.

Deserving special mention is the tremendous contribution of no less than £230 from regular donor SK. Brilliant, comrade! Then there were standing orders from PM (£125), MM and GB (£75 each), TT (£6) and finally GR, who has just set up a monthly payment of £20. Thanks very much to all comrades for contributing to the £531 that came our way over the last seven days.

That takes our running total for the month up to £1,722, which means we still need another £503 if we’re going to make that target. But, of course, this is February - which means that, as I write, there are only another five days to go. But it can be done!

We need to get there by next Monday, so please help us do so by either clicking on that PayPal button on our website or - better still, as there are no charges for either party - make a bank transfer to ‘Weekly Worker’. It’s sort code 30-99-64, account number 00744310.

I know you can do it, but there are just five days left. Please make sure we get there!

Robbie Rix