
Gaby Rubin

Latest articles by Gaby Rubin

Missing a trick

Gaby Rubin reviews Paul du Toit (writer/director) The unlikely secret agent Marylebone Theatre

Man’s grim justice

Gaby Rubin travelled to Wolverhampton to show solidarity with Tony Greenstein and four other Palestine Action activists

Paradoxes of speech

Left no-platforming plays straight into the hands of the right. The right pretends to champion free speech and in turn no-platforms the left. Gaby Rubin reports on the June 25 CPGB aggregate

Still with us in our hearts

Fred Carpenter December 28 1952 - May 18 2023

Part of the stream

MS Kia Sliding into revolution: a doctor’s memories of life, love and revolution Lulu 2022, pp330, £14.96

Speech is political

Gaby Rubin reports on a storm in a very small teacup that was actually about what has always been a central principle for communists

Another common sense is possible

Ukraine, Nord Stream, the nuclear war danger, US China strategy, Tory unravelling and a record Labour opinion lead. Gaby Rubin reports

Confusion reigns on the left

Gaby Rubin reports the highs and lows of those who placed themselves within the fringe in Liverpool

Collaboration with Nazism

Gaby Rubin reviews Zionism during the holocaust: the weaponisation of holocaust memory in the service of state and nation by Tony Greenstein (2022, pp488)

Enough is enough

Gaby Rubin welcomes the RMT’s successful strike action and sees an opportunity to re-establish trade union strength and power - if there is a willingness to defy the law

A disaster predicted

Gaby Rubin reviews 'Dictating to the estate' written by Nathaniel McBride, directed by Lisa Goldman and Natasha Langridge, performed at the Maxilla Social Club

Calluses on our souls

Gaby Rubin reviews 'Nigger - an autobiography' by Dick Gregory with Robert Lipsyte (Plume 2019, pp235, £19.79)

How not to lead a liberation

Gaby Rubin reviews 'Fordsburg fighter: the journey of an MK volunteer' by Amin Cajee, as told to Terry Bell (Cover2Cover Books, 2016, pp194, £22.09)

Story of vengeance

Gaby Rubin reviews 'Indecent', Menier Chocolate Factory, London (ends November 27). Written by Paula Vogel and directed by Rebecca Taichman

Exciting, historical, tearful

Gaby Rubin reviews 'Summer of soul (or When the revolution could not be televised)', Ahmir Thompson (director) general release

Through a feminist filter

Gaby Rubin reviews 'Ethel Rosenberg: a cold war tragedy' by Anne Sebba

Be afraid, be very afraid

Gaby Rubin looks at the implications of the decision to deny Shamima Begum her British citizenship

Hispaniola shibboleth

Gaby Rubin reviews 'The farming of bones' by Edwidge Danticat

Proud Trotskyists

Sylvia Riley "Winter at the bookshop, politics and poverty: St Ann’s in the 1960s" Five Leaves Publications, 2019, pp147, £7.99.

Optimism of the intellect ...

Review: The responsibility of intellectuals: reflections by Noam Chomsky and others after 50 years, edited by Nicholas Allott, Chris Knight and Neil Smith (UCL Press 2019, pp142, £13.80)