Chris Gray
Latest articles by Chris Gray
Venezuelan lessons
Chris Gray reviews Chris Gilbert Commune or nothing! Venezuela’s communal movement and its socialist project Monthly Review Press 2023, pp216, £18
World without colonisation
Chris Gray reviews Robbie McVeigh and Bill Rolston Ireland, colonialism and the unfinished revolution Chicago 2023, pp480, £19.99
Arguing against the wrong ‘Marxism’
Despite commonly believed myths, writes Chris Gray, Marx and Engels saw human emancipation as linked to the protection and enhancement of nature
Discontent and messianism
Chris Gray gives his take on the various oppressive regime forms that have appeared in modern times
Imperialist idol
Chris Gray considers the fabulous wealth, conquests and dreams of Cecil Rhodes.
Good man fallen among imperialists?
Chris Gray recalls the contradictory elements in the politics pursued by Lawrence of Arabia.
Three centuries of oppression
Review of ‘The Scottish clearances: a history of the dispossessed 1600-1900’ by Tom Devine; Allen Lane, 2018, pp463, £25
Giving 1917 real meaning
Chris Gray reviews: China Miéville, October: the story of the Russian Revolution, Verso, 2017, pp369, £18.99
How about thinking like a Marxist?
Chris Gray reviews: Kate Raworth Doughnut economics: seven ways to think like a 21st century economist Random House Business Books, 2017, pp384, £20
You still can’t say it
Chris Gray reviews: Ken Livingstone, 'You can’t say that: memoirs', Faber, 2011,pp710, £9.99
Short cuts may not work
Chris Gray reviews: Yanis Varoufakis, 'And the weak suffer what they must?', Bodley Head 2016, pp336, £11.89
Basic income urgently needed
Defence mechanisms against the iniquities of capitalism are needed now, argues Chris Gray
Vanquishing the demons
What is the role of fictitious capital in the current recession? Chris Gray examines the connection and proposes a series of economic demands
Misreaders and misleaders
With ideas of paying everyone an unconditional basic income gaining some credence on the left, Chris Gray looks at the inter-war social credit movement
Devotees of a dead Scotsman
Was Adam Smith the champion of ‘free market and classical liberal views’? Chis Gray thinks not
Making a beginning
The left should campaign for a Europe-wide constituent assembly, argues Chris Gray
The beginning of new unionism
Louise Raw Striking a light: the Bryant and May match women and their place in history Bloomsbury Publishing, 2011, pp300, £17.99
WWI: How did it all happen?
Douglas Newton The darkest days: the truth behind Britain’s rush to war, 1914 Verso, 2014, pp386, £20
Scotland: Exeunt, stage left?
Would an independent Scotland provide a radical impetus for socialism? Chris Gray examines the claims
The worker has no country
As the imperialists prepare to celebrate the slaughter that was World War I, Chris Gray examines the phenomenon of nationalism
Pete Seeger: The art of folksong
Pete Seeger, May 3 1919 - January 27 2014
WW I: Necessary and sufficient condition
We need look no further than imperialism to establish the underlying cause of the carnage. Chris Gray completes his examination of 1914-18
The shame of imperialism
As shown by Michael Goves stupid remarks, the bourgeoisie cannot admit its responsibility for the carnage of 1914-18. In this two-part article Chris Gray examines the origins of the war to end all wars
Moshé Machover review: The intersemitic crisis
Chris Gray reviews: Moshé Machover, 'Israelis and Palestinians: conflict and resolution', Haymarket Books, 2012, pp327, £17.99
From Team Sparta to Team GB
The ancient Greek Olympic Games, just like the modern equivalent, were part and parcel of class politics, writes Chris Gray
Homer's 'Iliad' and 'Odyssey' in social and historical context
Chris Gray concludes his study of Homer's world-shaping epic.The full version will soon be available from the CPGB website in pamphlet form
Homer, the Iliad and the Odyssey, and the Bronze Age collapse
The full version of Chris Gray's study of the two seminal works of ancient Greek literature will soon be available from the CPGB's website in pamphlet form. Here we begin a two-part abridged version
Rivalling the Romans
Chris Gray reviews Richard Miles's 'Carthage must be destroyed: the rise and fall of an ancient Mediterranean civilisation' London 2010, pp521, £30
Julius Caesar and the death agony of the republic
Chris Gray continues his series on the class battles in ancient Rome
Fighting against the odds
In the third article in his series on the Roman empire, Chris Gray looks at the efforts of Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus to defeat the landowning oligarchy
Expansion and slave society
In the second article in his series on the Roman empire Chris Gray examines the imperial oligarchy
Patricians and plebeians
What lessons does the class struggle in ancient Rome have for today? Chris Gray begins a series of articles with the plebeian fight for equality
Who gets what and why
Chris Gray (New Interventions) reviews Tim Harford's The undercover economist Little, Brown 2006, pp288, £17.99