From Workers’ Dreadnought, paper of the Workers’ Socialist Federation, May 22 1920
ON FRIDAY May 14 the Workers’ Dreadnought office at 152 Fleet Street was raided by detectives from Scotland Yard ...
They placed under arrest the manager, Harold Burgess, ... alleging him to be guilty of conduct likely to cause disaffection amongst the troops.
Comrade Burgess was conveyed to Canon Row police station and spent the night in the cells, bail being refused ...
As the case is pending we will not at this juncture make any comment upon it, but will ask comrades to be present at Bow Street on Saturday May 22 at 2pm in order to support comrade Burgess and hear the case for themselves.
In the meantime see that you get a copy of Soviets for the British, ... To British workers and the Workers’ Dreadnought; for these are the publications for distributing which comrade Burgess has been arrested. Read them and judge for your-selves.