

Blogs censored

Internet host Skyblog has closed down several blogs after comments in favour of the rioters were posted. Nevertheless others have sprung up to replace them, some exercising self-censorship. All express a variety of views, including from people in the cités (estates)

Aulnay-sous-Bois: They're already talking about the intifada, about civil war. Ninel: What happened to Bouna and Zihed is terrible "¦ nevertheless "¦ as for the acts committed by the youth, they don't seem to realise that they won't achieve integration like that. There is a danger of racism and discrimination increasing. People will remember the image of youths attacking firefighters and schools. Fabrice: Poverty is everywhere, not just in black and Arab suburbs. The whole capitalist system is responsible "¦ For dirty wars and bombs there's billions of euros. Omar: Burn our cars, burn our shops. We've been in the shit for a long time, but with dogs like you, we'll be in it a lot longer yet. 'Attention': Don't push things too far. People won't stay tolerant for ever. The Front National will gain and the army will come in. Teddy Bear: It's true there exists a hard core of voyous. But there is also the youth that our society has left at the side of the consumer road. 'Me': It's not good: three Molotov cocktails in my street yesterday. They'll bring out the guns if this carries on. Alablo: Money for the banlieues? The sacking of Sarko? A minimum of respect from the racist cops? We can get it all! How? Not by fire - by hunger-strikes. Like Gandhi. A thousand hunger-strikers and life will begin to change in the cités. Fatima: Thanks to those who are setting everything alight, we'll have the FN in government in 2007.