

Obituary: Stuart Ward and Natalie Monier

Natalie Monier and Stuart Ward were killed in a hit and run accident in Whally Range, Manchester on August 26 1997. Both were active members of the Socialist Party. They worked in campaigns against fascism, the poll tax and the Gulf War. Most recently in the Dockers Support Group they worked closely with comrades from a host of differing political organisations.

Stuart (28) and Natalie (22) had met at Manchester Metropolitan University.  Natalie had just completed a 20,000-word dissertation on the anti-poll tax movement. In addition she worked as a French translator for the Committee for a Workers International (CWI).

Both comrades will be missed not only by the SP and CWI, but also by all those who knew and worked with them in the workers’ movement. It is somewhat ironic that these outstanding comrades were killed by two alienated youths, when they had dedicated their lives to building a new socialist society, capable of transcending such alienation.

James Frazer