WW archive > Issue 1526 - 20 February 2025
Notes on the war
Three years since the launch of the ‘special military operation’, the post-World War II order is being shredded by America. Trump is a revolutionary counterrevolutionary, says Jack Conrad
Promising; Significant; Optimistic; Serious; Disproportionate; Patience needed; Heidi hype; Reformism
Making Europe Great Again
Riding high in the polls and brimming with confidence, the far right is being actively promoted by the US state - as JD Vance made clear in Munich, writes Eddie Ford
Fake plastic bungalows
Government plans to solve the housing crisis by building ‘new towns’ are likely to fail - private ownership of this essential human need is the true problem, argues Paul Demarty
Recipe for looming crash
Low or zero growth and rising prices. There’s more than a whiff of stagflation in the air, warns Michael Roberts
Dead-end politics
Secret conclaves, weird local campaigns, self-appointed gatekeepers and a complete lack of democracy. Carla Roberts takes a look at yet another broad-frontist party in the making
Speech controls yet again
There are those who want to keep differences polite, internal and under tight control. That is the approach of the opportunist right. Mike Macnair takes issue with those complaining about the CPGB’s ‘bad culture’
Moshé and Nick
Question, question, question, that is Marxism. Carla Roberts reports on the latest session in the ‘Building a Communist Party’ series organised by Why Marx?, which addressed the question of sects and sectarianism
Codes and latest buzz words
Western countries and China are engaged in a race for domination. Yassamine Mather looks at the risks, as well as the potential of AI