

Get us there!

In contrast to the rather meagre £252 that came our way the previous week, in the last seven days no less than £973 (!) has been received by the Weekly Worker fighting fund. Just what the doctor ordered!

Regular readers of this column will know that week three of each month is almost always the most rewarding - mainly because that is when the most generous of those monthly standing orders land in our account. But this time it’s been better than I ever remember, with no fewer than five three-figure sums arriving. Huge thanks go to comrades KB, GB, PB, PM and SK.

On top of that, other standing orders/bank transfers came from MM (£75), AN (£50), TR (£40), OG (£24), DR (£20) and SS (£15). Can I point out that comrade AN from the list above is a committed and loyal member of a different organisation (not the CPGB), but he clearly appreciates the Weekly Worker’s policy of open debate, which is particularly reflected in our letters pages.

Finally, comrade IY donated £18 via PayPal, while comrade Hassan handed his usual fiver to one of our team.

Anyway, that fantastic £973 has taken our running total for February up to £1,634 towards our £2,250 monthly target. In other words, we still need another £616 in the last week and a day (thankfully 2024 is a leap year, which is where that extra day comes from!).

But wouldn’t it be good if I could confirm on Wednesday February 28 (when this column will be written next week) that we have already reached that milestone? Please do your best to help us arrive at that much needed target! Go to the web address below if you want more details of how to do it.

Our bank account details are
name: Weekly Worker
sort code: 30-99-64
account number: 00744310

To make a donation or set up
a regular payment visit