

Step on the gas

I have to confess to being a bit edgy about the state of play when it comes to this month’s fighting fund. With two-thirds of April now gone, we have so far raised only £1,117 towards our £2,250 target - in other words, we’re only halfway there.

Of course, as always, I’m more than grateful to this week’s donors for raising £442 over the last seven days, but we now need rather more of them if we’re going to get home! Comrades such as HJ, who has just set up a monthly standing order. Stressing our “principled commitment to open debate”, he writes: “The Weekly Worker is easily the best paper on the left. How come I missed it up to now?”

Thanks, comrade - it all helps. And that applies to this week’s contributions too - not least KB for his excellent £170 and GB for his £100. Then there were other standing orders or bank transfers from MM (£75), TR (£40), GS (£20), SS (£15) and JL (£7), plus a tenner via PayPal from comrade MZ in Italy and a fiver handed to one of our team from comrade Hassan.

But now we really do need to step on the gas. There’s still time to send us a cheque, of course, or you can make a bank transfer to ‘Weekly Worker’ (account number 00744310; sort code 30‑99‑64) or instead click on that PayPal button on our website (weeklyworker.co.uk/worker/donate). There you will find all the details you need, including if you want to chip in with your debit card.

The Weekly Worker relies on your support, so please let’s make sure we reach April’s target!