
WW archive > Issue 140 - 25 April 1996

For communist unity

May Day is a workers’ celebration of international solidarity and organisation. The May Day march in London for a number of years has been dominated by revolutionaries in exile from Turkey and Kurdistan. This very fact is testimony to the important lessons their history of struggle holds for revolutionaries in Britain. That is why today we have published the draft programme discussion document in Turkish. This document, written by Jack Conrad as a result of a year’s discussion in our organisation, was published in the Weekly Worker (September 21 1995). Today we call on all revolutionaries in the UK to unite in the struggle for Party


Hypocrisy; National question; Left or right?; Capitalist China?; Death threats

Communist University ‘96

Party notes

On the offensive

Another step forward

More Dundee cuts

International support there to be won

The seven-month Liverpool dockers’ dispute has gained strength from international solidarity action. This week they are awaiting news from workers in the US, who are putting pressure on ACL, the biggest company that uses the port, to pull out. This would be a major breakthrough for the dockers. Lee-Anne Bates spoke to Terry Teague, one of the dockers’ shop stewards, about how this international solidarity can be built on and generalised for the workers’ movement as a whole

Labour on capitalist offensive

Brent’s campaign against Unison continues

Three self-delusions

Bob Smith - For a Permanent Party Polemic Committee

Italian Blairism

Proud to be racist

Incoherent rant?

Communist press

May Day means mass behind the miners

From The Workers’ Weekly, paper of the Communist Party of Great Britain, April 30 1926

Lawyer’s paradise

SLP clique ignores members

Iran in revolution

Arman Arani of the Organisation of Revolutionary Workers of Iran on revolution and counterrevolution

Komünist Birlik için!

This article is a Turkish translation of the front page article. On International Workers’ Day we call on all revolutionaries in the UK to unite in the struggle for Party

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