

Bit of a spurt

Robbie Rix reports on the Weekly Worker fighting fund

Our December fighting fund got a big boost this week in the shape of a generous €100 (£83) donation from comrade AM in Ireland. That was very much needed, because we were straggling a bit behind where we need to be, if we’re going to reach that recently increased monthly target, now set at £2,250.

In addition there were eight standing orders: thanks go to comrades AC (£60), NH and CG (£30 each), BO, GD and DV (£25), LM (£15) and SM (£10). Then there were two PayPal contributions of £10 from comrades MH and BH, while that old favourite, comrade Hassan, handed a fiver to one of our comrades.

All that comes to £328, taking our running total up to £514 after eight days. That’s not too bad, but still quite a bit behind where we need to be. True, the middle of the month sees a number of substantial standing orders coming our way, but, even so, I feel we need to put on a bit of a spurt.

Our comrades have been busy contacting our subscribers, asking them to take out a standing order (or increase an existing one) and we’ve already had a few positive responses. If you want to set one up, ask your bank to make a monthly payment to account number 00744310 (sort code 30-99-64). Alternatively, you can fill in the standing order form on the back page of each issue and send it to the Weekly Worker address (see p2).

Of course, if you’re feeling generous right now, any one-off donation would be very much welcomed. Send us a cheque, click on our PayPal button or - best of all - make a bank transfer to the above account.

Following our success last month, let’s make sure we get there at the second time of asking!

Robbie Rix