


With five days to do before the end of our April fighting fund, we are just £114 short of our £1,750 target.

There were three standing order donations, two of which - £100 from PM and no less than £230 from SK - were substantial, plus a further £10 from PM. Meanwhile comrade OG added £30 to her subscription cheque, while PB handed over a very nice £50 in cash to one of our comrades. Finally KC (£20), RV and LM (£10 each) clicked on our PayPal link.

All that came to £460, taking our running total for the month up to £1,636.

By the way, I seem to have started something with my remarks on the Labour ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign. KC writes in a comment accompanying his PayPal donation: “Your correspondent is spot on. The Weekly Worker is doing a great job in combating the smears. Keep up the good work!”

We’ll do our best, comrade - and donations like yours will help ensure we do! Now we need a few more of them by Monday April 30 to take us over the line. If you too think we’re doing a good job, please chip in a few pounds yourself. I wouldn’t object if we smashed right through the target and got somewhere near that magical £2,000!