

Blair tells it how it is

TONY BLAIR could not have been more clear at the TUC last week:

“There will be no repeal of all Tory trade union laws. Strike ballots are here to stay. No mass or flying pickets. All those ghosts of time past, they are exorcised - leave them where they lie ...”

The bosses must have been rubbing their hands in glee. No wonder, as Blair’s whole speech was designed to win the hearts and minds of the boss class and appeal to the prejudices of ‘middle England’.

It has to be said that Blair’s speech was a near masterpiece of disingenuous-ness. Pretending to depart from his prepared text, Blair made an impassioned defence of his ‘modernisation’ process.

As intended this ‘spontaneous’ passion compelled the majority of delegates to participate in a ritualistic, though synthetic standing ovation. The minority remained stony-faced, also as intended.

Allason Pearson of The Observer unconsciously stumbled upon the truth when she commented, “Never has a standing ovation looked more like a sit-down strike” (September 17).

This is, of course, exactly the image that Blair wanted to project - the ‘man of steel’ who is prepared to tame the union dragon and ‘tell it how it is’.

Capitalism is safe and secure with Blair. Not for the first time, the bosses had a good TUC conference.

Danny Hammill