

Left Unity: Political clarity first

The Communist Platform is standing four candidates in regional elections to the NC; Mark Fischer explains where and why

Left Unity has been forced to rerun a number of its internal elections - some because of errors made by its overworked central volunteers and others because not enough candidates came forward the first time around. Though ballot papers for these elections were supposed to be distributed via email on Monday April 21, there was no sign of them in people’s in-boxes until late on Tuesday April 22. Perhaps more disruptive, however, was the fact that the candidate’s names and statements were similarly tardy in appearing on the LU website.

Like other problems that have beset the organisation’s functioning, all of this is down to cock-up, not conspiracy. But it does underline once again that this still small organisation, having saddled itself with a complicated constitution - one that assumes a much larger organisation with intricately combined sections, that is able to meet binding constitutional obligations on gender quotas, regional representations and so on - is having to gallop to stay still.

The Communist Platform of LU is putting forward candidates in three regions and their statements below are reproduced from the tendency’s website.1 It is important to underline that our intention in this is to continue and hopefully deepen the debate that started in some branches and - to a limited extent, nationally - on the key political principles Left Unity should base itself on. To aid this, we consciously steered clear of regions where we anticipated there may be uncontested elections - first and foremost, we want political clarification through debate and demarcation, not seats.

We are not sniffy about votes either, however. We urge comrades to support the Com Plat candidates if they are standing in your region. Send more comrades to join platform supporter Yassamine Mather, who was directly elected to the LU national council in the first set of elections.2

Mark Fischer


1. http://communistplatform.org.uk

2. See Peter Manson’s report, Weekly Worker April 4.


Tina Becker


Yorkshire and Humberside (one place - must be a woman)


I am standing because:

I hope Left Unity will become:

If elected to the national committee, I would in particular campaign for:

About me:

Laurie McCauley

North West (four places)

As a member of the CPGB and Left Unity’s Communist Platform, I believe Left Unity really should aim to unite the fragments of the far left in Britain. As opposed to reheated Labourism, which faces stiff competition, it is the inspirational and thoroughly realistic ideas of Marxism which have the capability of creating a new mass party of the working class. Left Unity must take a principled stand in terms of internationalism and opposition to British constitutionalism, and champion far-reaching democratic demands.

I oppose the proposed ‘safe spaces’ policy. The whole ‘safe spaces’ concept is infantilising and will leave members disarmed when it comes to debates in the wider world. It can also quickly lead to its opposite - being used as a cover for politically motivated witch-hunts. LU should have a short code of conduct, and strive for a comradely and democratic culture. But frank and sometimes sharp debates are a necessary part of such a democratic culture, and may on occasion involve hurt feelings. Being able to strongly disagree - without splitting away in a huff, or invoking legislation on politeness - has to become ingrained in LU’s culture.

I am a strong supporter of Left Unity standing its own candidates in elections and have some experience in this area. The growth of reaction will only be undercut if the left puts forward a positive alternative. We should look to develop comrades politically- emphasising all-round development, not just sending people into hyper-leafleting mode. LU should be looking to grow, but to do so sustainably.

After a rushed and hectic conference, I would push strongly for more political debate in LU at both branch, and open public meetings. When bourgeois politicians openly criticise their party leaderships in the press, it looks increasingly ludicrous when the left avoids, or at worst clamps down on, the open expression of differences. It is crucial that LU examines the failures of the left in the 20th century if it is to avoid a repetition.

Emily Orford

London (three places - must be women)

As a member of the Communist Platform in Left Unity, I propose we adopt a minimum-maximum programme, which is twofold in its attack. Firstly it maps out a practical and realistic set of demands for the working class under capitalism in order to achieve a level of consciousness that is needed to challenge the oppressing classes successfully. This includes supporting and championing all oppressed sections of the class, and raising living standards far beyond what the EU promises. It also means unity of the class, and the abolition of national borders with the aim of the creating a united socialist Europe.

Secondly, the programme provides a vision of a new society that could exist if capitalism is abolished, a society created by the majority class, which is vital if we are to remain focused on our collective goal. Ultimately this class would abolish itself, leading to a truly equal society.

I see Left Unity’s role in this battle as crucial, for if we are to achieve these demands, the left must establish a coherent counterargument to the neoliberal consensus which exists in Britain’s ruling class today. This must be based on a truly democratically formed programme that is anti-bureaucratic, clear in its message and revolutionary in its aims.

I am a member of Lambeth Left Unity, and of the Communist Platform. I have been active in revolutionary politics from a young age, have written for various leftwing publications, and currently work for a radical publishing house in Highgate. I live in Streatham.

Sarah McDonald

London (three places - must be women)

Having been active on the left for over 15 years, in Scotland and in London, I have consistently fought for working class unity across Britain as part of the struggle for the greatest voluntary unity of people, in Europe and beyond.

As an internationalist, I oppose all immigration controls and am for the free movement of people. As a Marxist, I oppose all imperialist wars and recognise that war is a product of class society; war and the potential for war will only end with the end of class society itself, and therefore I have no illusions in bodies such as the United Nations delivering peace.

I believe that human liberation can only be achieved through a society based on the principle of ‘From each according to their abilities; to each according to their needs’. It is not our job to manage capitalism, but to fight for its overthrow.