WW archive > Issue 968 - 27 June 2013
People's Assembly: John Rees and the fragile politics of broadness
Peter Manson reports on the launch of John Reess united front against austerity
Build Left Unity; Promising; Phobic phobia; Unison; Not necessary
Surveillance state: What we knew already
Yassamine Mather surveils the recent UK-US electronic spying scandal
Summer Offensive: The solidarity quid
Mark Fischer senses a gradual change in attitudes to the Weekly Worker at the People's Assembly
People's Assembly: Political theatre and the 10 seconds
Sarah McDonald argues that the politics needed by the working class are antithetical to those committed to the principle of broadness
Italy: Berlusconi will never serve time
Toby Abse reports on the Ruby case verdict
AWL school: Economism and frontist delusions
Mike Macnair was at the Ideas for Freedom school to listen, to learn and to debate
AWL school: Missing the point
Paul Demarty shares some brief thoughts on a session dedicated to debating the IS/SWP and its history
Brazil: Half riot, half carnival
Pent-up anger has exploded. Millions have taken to the streets. Eddie Ford looks at the sorry results of the coalition politics pursued by a once much vaunted Workers Party
Film festival: Documented truths
Jim Moody reports from Londons global documentary festival and gives a smattering of reviews
EDL: Oxygen of stupidity
Socialist Worker complains that the BBC is giving the English Defence League publicity - a bit rich, reckons Paul Demarty