

Communist Party Offensive 95

THIS YEAR has been another busy one for the Communist Party. Each year presents new political challenges in our fight to reforge the CPGB.

Over the last two months we have been involved in intensive fundraising for our local election campaigns. Our experience here has positioned us well to challenge Labourism in the next general election.

In order to fund this campaign we must fight for the financial resources we need. This will be the task of this year’s Party Offensive, which is why we have set the ambitious but necessary target of £25,000.

The Party Offensive - to be launched on June 4 - is a vital political task in our calendar. Comrades from around the country have always thrown themselves into the task with vigour. Often unemployed comrades have managed to raise over £1,000 in the two months.

It is a time when all members, supporters and sympathisers go out to workers to fight for support to build the working class Party. We will need all your support this year to reach the target by the beginning of July.

Comrades need to set targets to meet by that time and all readers are urged to join us in the launch for this year to really put the Party on the offensive.

Send in your pledges and confirmation of attendance at the meeting at 5pm in London on Sunday June 4.

Linda Addison