

A taste of bosses’ ‘democracy’

CAMPAIGNERS in Kent against both live animal exports and the new proposed rail link are learning the truth about the bosses’ democracy - they do what they like.

According to Kent Messenger (April 12) a senior Maidstone council officer claimed privately that his borough had been disenfranchised by the Select Committee of MPs considering protests against the rail link bill. On the same day Judge Simon Brown overturned the victories of the animal protesters with a legal judgement defending the absolute right of animal transporters to export live animals.

I am in favour of humane conditions for domestic animals and railway tunnels to protect the environment. However, neither group campaigns for the extension of democracy - without which their campaigns must fail.

Nor do they take up issues vital to the masses like full employment, proper health care, affordable housing for all, etc.

These groups fear the power of the working class more than they fear central government. But capitalism in difficulty will oppose even the most modest demands unless forced by mass pressure.

We must defend animal rights protesters against the attacks they received at the hands of the police on Tuesday. But the public order act has been used against our demonstrations without a whimper from those now so concerned with animal rights.

Arthur Lawrence