WW archive > Issue 604 - 08 December 2005
Stalinist atmosphere reigns
Our republication of a mildly critical piece from the Socialist Workers Party's Pre-conference bulletin seems to have caused a furious row inside the SWP - at least judging by the reaction of its author, Dave Crouch. Peter Manson reports
Up to the top of the hill
The Socialist Worker Party generals have failed the anti-war movement, says Eddie Ford, who looks forward to the December 10 Peace Conference in London
Climate change: setting our sights sky high
Respect national council member Elaine Graham Leigh was one of the organisers of the December 3 demonstration for action against global warming. She spoke to the Weekly Worker about the need for a democratic mass movement and for socialists to play a leading role
Stop climate change
Troops out now! The main enemy is imperialism!
Paul Greenaway outlines the principled communist stance on the Iraq war and occupation
Cannonites and the way of the dodo
Despite protests to the contrary, the Australian Socialist Alliance is dead, argues Marcus Ström. The Democratic Socialist Perspective has not broken from its old ways.
Opposition party or coalition partner?
Trouble is brewing in the German Linkspartei. The Berlin regional congress of Wahlalternative (WASG) has just voted against the 'cooperation agreement', which maps out the unification process with the Party of Democratic Socialism (now renamed Linkspartei.PDS). WASG comrades in Berlin also want to stand separately in the 2006 local elections - refusing a joint candidature with the Linkspartei.PDS, which is part of the Berlin government. Yet, writes Tina Becker, Linksruck, the German section of the SWP, has joined forces with the WASG leadership in criticising this decision
No to World Trade Organisation
Farooq Tariq (general secretary Labour Party Pakistan) reports about the mass protests against the WTO in Pakistan
Cannonites and the way of the dodo
Despite protests to the contrary, the Australian Socialist Alliance is dead, argues Marcus Ström. The Democratic Socialist Perspective has not broken from its old ways. On the contrary, it shares the same method as the SWP, which led to the closing down of the Socialist Alliance in England and Wales