
WW archive > Issue 377 - 29 March 2001

Towards an SA pro-party bloc

Undoubtedly the Socialist Alliance has moved ahead in leaps and bounds in the couple of years since the Socialist Workers Party made its welcome turn towards elections. True, things began rather badly. The SWP decided to lift its siege mentality and embrace the Socialist Alliance ... but then momentarily and disastrously recoiled from the consequences. Fear conquered audacity.


SA betrayal; Irrelevant monarchy?; Anarchy speaks; Godspell; Macedonia; No dictionary; No ABC; Come on, SWP

Build electoral alternative

Liz Davies, former member of the Labour Party's national executive, last week resigned from the party and announced her support for the Socialist Alliance. This is the full text of her speech made to a Socialist Alliance-Leeds Left Alliance rally on March 23

Republican Communist Network

Instrument for unity

Scotland: SWP-SSP unity

Negotiations continue SWP statement

Karl Marx and religion - part 4

In the last of a series of articles, Michael Malkin outlines the attitude of communists to believers

SA roundup

Greater Manchester Squandered opportunity

Socialist Alliance Liaison Committee

Call for SA paper

CPGB aggregate

Transforming the SA

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