


Robbie Rix reports on the Weekly Worker fighting fund

It seems that the Christmas spirit has come early for some comrades this year. As a result our November fund is edging towards our £400 monthly target.

Donations this week include £20 from PH, £15 each from TF, SL and CM, and £10 from PL. A US reader sent us a cheque for $100 to renew his year’s subscription - a small tip included there, comrade. Altogether, we have £335, with a week still to go.

Dare I suggest that now is the moment to break right through the £400 barrier in order to make up for the shortfalls earlier in the year? An extra £100 would do the trick - and it would also set us up for a small, but very welcome surplus for 1999. And believe me, comrades, we could use it!

Robbie Rix