


Robbie Rix reports on the Weekly Worker fighting fund

Our November fund has been boosted by two sizeable gifts - £50 from KB and £25 from TS. Thanks, comrades. Your donations have helped take us to £228 - on course to meet our monthly £400 target.

However, these two readers are amongst many who have not yet cottoned on to the idea of taking out a standing order. This has several advantages. For our readers, it allows for small, but regular amounts to be transferred - something that is for many much more affordable than finding the occasional large sum. Of course the fact that you pay by bankers order does not preclude an extra cheque in the event of a windfall!

For us, being able to count on these SOs would go a long way to removing our usual end-of-the-month worries - at present we have to cross our fingers, hoping for a last-minute surge. They provide a painless, yet highly productive means of swelling our fighting fund.

Over to you, comrades!

Robbie Rix