

Democrat attacked

In the Weekly Worker (May 22) we reported on a conference in Manchester to discuss a campaign for a democratic SLP. The SLP’s candidate in Vauxhall, South London, has come under Scargill’s fire for taking part in this democracy meeting

May 28 1997
Dear Ian,

Please find attached a copy of a leaflet put out by an organisation calling itself “The Campaign for a Democratic SLP” advertising a conference in Manchester on May 17 1997.

According to the leaflet you are one of [the] sponsors - could you confirm that you are a sponsor of this and associated with the enclosed leaflet or alternatively could you provide me with some explanation.

Yours fraternally,
A Scargill
General secretary

May 30 1997
Dear comrade Arthur
Campaign for a democratic SLP

I am in receipt of your letter of May 28 concerning the above, which to be frank with you, I found to be very insulting.

My views on particular aspects of the SLP constitution, most notably the undemocratic manner in which certain members and branches have been voided without appeal, are well known. I am unaware of any rules which prohibit me from promulgating these views within the party in order to build a majority to change our “constitution”.

I will continue to campaign within the party in an open and democratic manner and will work with the growing number of members who are becoming increasingly disenchanted with the SLP’s internal regime in order to democratise our party.

Over the years, I have been actively involved in a number of campaigns within both the Labour Party and my trade union to bring about constitutional and rule changes. During these campaigns I was never asked by the organisation’s leadership to explain myself and I very much resent this.

I sincerely hope that your letter is not a precursor to any restrictions or prohibitions on campaigning for democratic change within the SLP. If this is case I will find it impossible to remain a member of an organisation which will not tolerate open and free debate.

I do not regard the contents of your letter or my reply confidential and I will distribute copies accordingly.

Yours sincerely,
Councillor Ian Driver