

An international scandal

From The Call, paper of the British Socialist Party, May 24 1917

We call the particular attention of our readers to the extracts from the Russian socialist press which we publish on another page. They disclose the fact that whilst our government poses before the world as the champions of liberty and welcomed the Russian Revolution - with subdued enthusiasm, it is true - it is doing its best in the true spirit of tsarism to thwart the efforts of those who accomplished the Revolution.

The first great act of revolutionary Russia was to declare an amnesty for all political offenders and to extend a hearty welcome to all those who were in exile. From all parts of the world the exiled fighters streamed back to Russia. It remained for the British government to place obstacles in the way, and, as the documents we publish show, forcibly prevent the refugees from returning.

It seems ‘control lists’ were furnished to the Allies by Miliukov [Kerensky’s foreign secretary], containing the names of those who, according to Miliukov, were ‘undesirables’. Of course the undesirables were those who opposed Miliukov and the imperialist jingo policy he stood for, and who are just the men whom Russia has the greatest need of. Naturally our government would stand loyally by the man who most nearly voices its own aims and aspirations.

It is characteristic of our ruling class and its press that, having prevented the return to Russia via England of exiles from Italy and Switzerland, and thus compelling them to travel through Germany- facilities for which the German government was clever enough to provide them - should then brand the exiles as pro-Germans.

The Council of Workers’ and Soldiers’ Delegates, indignant at these outrageous proceedings, addressed an emphatic protest to the British government and press, and called upon the British working class to support its protest. This remonstrance has been completely suppressed, and not a line has appeared anywhere about it.

We trust that the matter will be raised in the House of Commons, and that the labour movement will respond immediately to the appeal of the Council of Workers’ and Soldiers’ Delegates by repudiating this affront to the Russian people.

[Six social democrats, including Leon Trotsky, were detained by British authorities in Halifax, Canada, in April 1917 after their steamer from New York was intercepted.]