

Fighting fund

Linda Addison reports on the Weekly Worker fighting fund

As each day passes in the election campaign, it becomes more and more imperative that the communist voice is heard as widely as possible. This week of course has seen Labour pledging to ‘merge’ or close hospitals and continue Tory spending cuts in education and social security to cut the budget deficit. Just in case anyone still held on to the hope that at least health, education and welfare would be given even minor surgery under a Blair government.

The CPGB is in the process of producing its election manifesto. We want to get this manifesto out to as many people as we can in this election - on the doorstep, on the street and in the press. For this we need as vigorous a campaign in support of communist candidates and the communist election manifesto as possible.

We urgently need the financial support of members, supporters and readers for this campaign. Rush cheques in now. Thanks this week to JS, OD and GS.

Linda Addison