
WW archive > Issue 175 - 23 January 1997

SLP in crisis

Sikorski quits

Militant Labour perspectives

Party notes

Living dead

SSA postpones conference

SNP loyal subjects

Liverpool: worldwide boycott grows

Swedish dockers join the picket

Ford workers need European unity

Consolidate support

The menace of industrial conscription

From ‘The Call’, paper of the British Socialist Party, January 18 1917

Government in retreat

Taking on the state

Pecking order

Around the left

USSR: state capital?

Darren Wade of the Revolutionary Democratic Group takes up the question of the Soviet Union

Revolt of the spirit

Phil Watson reviews 'Dada turns red: The politics of surrealism' by Helena Lewis (Edinburgh University Press 1990, pp229, £12.95)

Patrick Sikorski’s resignation

SLP: news and comment

SL Kenning

POWs killed by Labour and Tory

Terry O hEarcain (from the Irish Republican Socialist Party) and Tom Ball give their views on the film ‘Some mother’s son’ and the impact it has today

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