WW archive > Issue 163 - 17 October 1996
Party rallies leave members voiceless
Following Blair’s defining New Labour conference speech, John Major takes his shirt off to tell the Tories all they need to know
Reality beckons; Love and honour; Incomplete break; Sorry sort; Workers’ web; Prove it
Organise for health
Trash can Sinatras
Party notes
Rebuilding in Manchester
SLP branch reports
Political Coventry
Small victory for democracy
SL Kenning looks at latest developments in the Socialist Labour Party
Waging the class struggle
From the Workers’ Weekly, paper of the Communist Party of Great Britain, October 12 1926
Towards a mass socialist party
Joe Marino of the Bakers, Food and Allied Workers Union has recently joined the Socialist Labour Party - the first trade union general secretary to do so. Peter Manson asked him about his move
Horribly wrong
Around the left
The power of television
Sri Lanka: an appeal for solidarity
Afghan skeletons
Afghanistan throws into sharp relief the failure of revolutionaries in Britain to resist the tidal wave of anti-communism unleashed by the Red Army’s intervention. Eddie Ford takes a critical look at the left’s record
First stage of communist rapprochement
Towards a revolutionary democratic communist tendency the RDG (faction of the SWP) gives its assessment of rapprochement
For a genuinely human morality
Jim Blackstock takes up the debate around child abuse
Futuristic language
Mary Ward spoke to the Weekly Worker about one element in the SSA
Revolutionary tactics for Scotland
John Stone of the Liaison Committee of Militants for a Revolutionary Communist International takes up the question of the national question in Scotland, following debates at Communist University ’96
No more police thuggery
Jimmy Nolan, chair of the Mersey Ports Shops Stewards Committee, reports on the aftermath of the weekend of action in Liverpool
Derby’s union wreckers
IRA propaganda setback for Tories
Fighting fund
Linda Addison reports on the Weekly Worker fighting fund