

More treachery

From the Workers’ Weekly, paper of the Communist Party of Great Britain, September 10 1926

At the time of going to press the Bournemouth TUC has made no move to help the miners in any practical way. On the contrary, the chairman has taken every step to see that help for the miners is not discussed.

The whole tone of the conference is one of futility and evasion. Yet it has wonderful opportunities of putting into action the policies which it is supposed to express.

At Scarborough last year a resolution condemning British imperialism, with special regard to China, was carried unanimously. This year, at Bournemouth, the congress has a chance to take definite steps against imperialism, since every item of news that comes from China makes it more and more certain that the armed intervention of Britain is a matter for days, perhaps hours.

It may be that before it is ended the TUC will override the General Council and force a discussion and a decision on the practical steps to help the miners. It may force a discussion of the General Strike.

Whatever happens at Bournemouth, the miners’ struggle goes on as fiercely as ever ...

The Communist Party’s campaign for an embargo is bearing fruit, and many trades councils are taking up the matter afresh.

It is also the duty of Labour MPs, now that the government dictatorship is revealed in its naked brutality, to leave parliament and to fight for the embargo and the levy.

By every means the workers must secure that this government by dictatorship is dissolved.