
WW archive > Issue 154 - 01 August 1996

Class struggle on the tubes

The Socialist Labour Party must use its influence with underground workers to raise the level of the dispute


Routinism; RUC armoury; Pained fog; More fog; Post-capitalism

A ‘proletarian party’?

Party notes

SLP - a key debate

Workers Power

Wildfire prejudice

Olympic anathema

Defend Bob Davies

SL Kenning looks at the latest developments in the Socialist Labour Party

Open letter to the Labour Party

From the Workers’ Weekly, paper of the Communist Party of Great Britain, July 30 1926

Alternative theory of permanent revolution

Dave Craig of the RDG continues the debate on programme and the transitional method (see Weekly Worker July 25)

Loony labels

Around the left

Labour running scared

Toryglen by-election

Greater Manchester Socialist Alliance: Moving towards cooperation

Steve Hall of Socialist Outlook replies to Anne Murphy’s report of the Greater Manchester Socialist Alliance Conference (Weekly Worker July 18). He includes his own report of the conference below

Communists in the SLP - donkeys or partners?

Dave Craig of the RDG replies to Martin Blum on the call for a Communist-Labour party

All-out war against militants

Turkish state mounts vicious crackdown

CWU members say no deal

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