WW archive > Issue 1528 - 06 March 2025

Theatre of cruelty
Zelensky’s humiliation in the Oval Office was a cynical setup. But for that we should be grateful, says Eddie Ford, as it lifted the curtain on what normally happens behind closed doors
Insult culture; Phases scheme; Word order; Transitional road; Learn, learn ...
Searching for the master key
Trump’s administration promises to release files on John F Kennedy, Jeffrey Epstein and others - but so far substance is lacking. Paul Demarty delves into the role of pseudo-disclosures in the American mind
Operating on a hunch
The International Socialist tradition is nowadays characterised by an almost pathological fear of adopting a programme. Yet without a comprehensive, fully worked-out programme there is every chance of falling into opportunist incoherence, argues Jack Conrad
Very essence of Marxism
Mike Macnair reviews Bruno Leipold Citizen Marx: republicanism and the formation of Karl Marx’s social and political thought Princeton University Press, 2024, pp418, £32
A very English possibilist
Steve Freeman of the Republican Labour Education Forum dismisses the idea of a mass Communist Party as utterly utopian. Instead he proposes a Commonwealth Party
Struggles in the cathedral
Overproduction in the knowledge economy, zero-hour contracts and a funding crisis. Peter Kennedy puts his faith in ‘transitional demands’ and breaking the labour movement from the chimerical aim of ‘advancing human capital’
Ending armed resistance
There is a new phase opening up along with new challenges. Esen Uslu explains the call for the PKK to lay down arms and dissolve itself in favour of ‘normal’ political activity