
WW archive > Issue 1528 - 06 March 2025

Theatre of cruelty

Zelensky’s humiliation in the Oval Office was a cynical setup. But for that we should be grateful, says Eddie Ford, as it lifted the curtain on what normally happens behind closed doors


Insult culture; Phases scheme; Word order; Transitional road; Learn, learn ...

Searching for the master key

Trump’s administration promises to release files on John F Kennedy, Jeffrey Epstein and others - but so far substance is lacking. Paul Demarty delves into the role of pseudo-disclosures in the American mind

Operating on a hunch

The International Socialist tradition is nowadays characterised by an almost pathological fear of adopting a programme. Yet without a comprehensive, fully worked-out programme there is every chance of falling into opportunist incoherence, argues Jack Conrad

Very essence of Marxism

Mike Macnair reviews Bruno Leipold Citizen Marx: republicanism and the formation of Karl Marx’s social and political thought Princeton University Press, 2024, pp418, £32

A very English possibilist

Steve Freeman of the Republican Labour Education Forum dismisses the idea of a mass Communist Party as utterly utopian. Instead he proposes a Commonwealth Party

Struggles in the cathedral

Overproduction in the knowledge economy, zero-hour contracts and a funding crisis. Peter Kennedy puts his faith in ‘transitional demands’ and breaking the labour movement from the chimerical aim of ‘advancing human capital’

Ending armed resistance

There is a new phase opening up along with new challenges. Esen Uslu explains the call for the PKK to lay down arms and dissolve itself in favour of ‘normal’ political activity

Abdullah Öcalan’s statement

Online Communist Forum, Sunday March 9 5pm

One more time!

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