

Urgent help

As expected, the Weekly Worker fighting fund received a big boost this week, following the very poor start to the month.

A reminder: we desperately need a minimum of £2,250 each and every month just to cover our rising costs, but seven days ago we only had £775 in the pot for February.

This week we received no less than four three-figure contributions - thank you SK, JC, PM and LM. In addition, other standing orders/bank transfers came from OG (£22), DR (£20), TT (£10) and DS (£4). All that came to no less than £775 - not bad for one week! So our running total now stands at £1,796.

But, of course, there are, as I write, only two days left in the month, so please help us out as soon as you read this - make a bank transfer or PayPal donation. See below if you want help in doing this.

Please play your part, comrades!

Our bank account details are
name: Weekly Worker
sort code: 30-99-64
account number: 00744310

To make a donation or set up
a regular payment visit