

Play your part


Are we going to continue with the positive results of recent months in achieving our fighting fund target of £2,250? Let’s hope so, because very soon we’ll be increasing that target in view of the extra expenses we have incurred of late!

Thanks to the £461 that came our way over the last week, February’s running total now stands at £777. As usual, the largest proportion of the cash raised came via standing orders and one-off bank transfers. So a red salute goes to comrades PB (£70), BO (£35), DV and NH (£30 each), NR and GD (£25), AM (£15), CS and RD (£12), and finally IS, SM, PM and CC (£10).

These were backed up by comrades who clicked on that PayPal button on our website - RL and US comrade PM (£50), SL (£40), MH and GS (£10) and JV (£7). Of the above, let me mention in particular comrade SL, who wrote: “Thank you for providing structured Marxist analysis and debate on ongoing affairs!” Definitely worthy of the £40 he donated!

So, at the moment, we’re a bit behind the going rate - and don’t forget there are only 28 days in February, so we’re just two days short of halfway, as I write! That means we really need to up the pace, so can you help? As well as the ways mentioned above, you can, of course, send us a cheque - or even hand some cash to any of our comrades you see distributing the Weekly Worker (there’ll be a good few of those at Saturday’s Palestine demo, of course!).

For more details, click on the link below. Please play your part in helping us to raise the cash we need to keep producing this paper!

Our bank account details are
name: Weekly Worker
sort code: 30-99-64
account number: 00744310

To make a donation or set up
a regular payment visit