‘Best of the lot’
Good news! With over a week left to reach the Weekly Worker £2,250 fighting fund target for January, we are just £578 short of what we need, thanks to the £698 that came our way over the last seven days. In other words, our running total now stands at £1,672, with nine days still to go.
The donations we received have certainly boosted my confidence that we can get there - not least the excellent three-figure contributions from SK and PM. Then there were the other bank transfers/standing orders from MM (£75), TR (£40), MA and GB (£25 each), DR (£20) and GD (£15), plus the very handy £50 PayPal donation from KS.
It always pleases me when our donors express their gratitude, as did MA (“Thanks for your work”) and comrade HJ, who has just begun a subscription. When it comes to all the left papers, she wrote, “The Weekly Worker is easily the best of the lot.” Thanks to both of you.
But now we need to finish the job and make sure we not only reach that £2,250 target, but go soaring past it! I can’t stress enough how our costs have shot up over the last 12 months, so we could really do with eating more into the overall deficit since this time last year.
Please play your part by writing us a cheque, donating via PayPal or making a bank transfer (see below). After last week’s contributions I’m pretty confident we can get there, so please help us make sure we do!
Our bank account details are
name: Weekly Worker
sort code: 30-99-64
account number: 00744310
To make a donation or set up
a regular payment visit