
WW archive > Issue 1520 - 09 January 2025

Rockets and ressentiment

What on earth is he up to? Paul Demarty investigates the life and times of a half-mad billionaire


CPGB-ML; Wealth and profits; Caribbean; Suicide; Mason associates

Hitting the jackpot?

Esen Uslu takes down Erdoğan’s fantasy that, after successfully backing HTS, he can determine the future of the region

Redrawing the map

Putting faith in the ‘axis of resistance’ and Netanyahu’s legal troubles was always woefully misplaced. The Zionist state is backed to the hilt by the global hegemon. Moshé Machover spoke to the January 5 CPGB members’ aggregate

Mounting dangers and fears

The ‘axis of resistance’ has come apart. Israel is brimming with confidence and is just itching to attack. Yassamine Mather looks over the wreckage and criticises the failures of the Iranian left

It’s good to do more than talk

We need to unite, not when it comes to the long term, but in the here and now and in a disciplined, principled, programmatically anchored organisation. Jack Conrad reports on some recent meetings and developments

Forging communist unity

A proposal from the TAS steering group issued on January 4 2025

What sort of partyism?

Archie Woodrow is quite good on identifying the left’s problems, less good when it comes to giving answers. Mike Macnair continues his series of articles on the ‘party discussion’

New year, new left party?

Collective is pursuing Corbynism without Corbyn - it all looks very unpromising and very undemocratic … especially if the SWP tries to jump on board, says Carla Roberts

Online Communist Forum, Sunday January 12 5pm

Keep up the good work

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