

More than possible!

With a week still to go to reach the Weekly Worker’s £2,250 fighting fund target for October, I’m pleased to report that we already have £1,979 in the kitty. In other words we we need £271 in the final week.

Well, considering we received no less than £704 over the last seven days, that’s definitely much more than possible! Since last week we’ve had two three-figure standing orders - thank you, SK and PM - while other SOs/bank transfers came from MM (£75), GB (£50), SO (£35), GR (£20), GD (£15) and TT (£6). Then there was an excellent £50 paid by KS “in memory of Kevin Bean”, plus £5 from IS (both via PayPal).

As I reported last week, Kevin was one of two of our comrades who died in the last couple of weeks. We do not yet know the details of his funeral, but the commemoration for the second of those two comrades, Tom May (see the obituary, opposite), will take place next Monday (October 28) in Guildford.

As Jack Conrad notes in the obituary, Tom passionately hated charities and, undoubtedly, he would rather people make “a donation to the Weekly Worker fighting fund”. There couldn’t be a better time than right now to go along with that! Let’s make sure by this time next week that we go shooting past that monthly target, and help to commemorate both Tom and Kevin in that way.

To play your part, please check how to chip in by going to the web address below. Help us meet those soaring printing and postage costs!

Our bank account details are
name: Weekly Worker
sort code: 30-99-64
account number: 00744310

To make a donation or set up
a regular payment visit