

Par for course

Top of my list of donors this week is New Zealand comrade HR, who not only pays for the three copies of Weekly Worker sent to him each week, but gives us more than double the subscription price. He’s just set up a monthly standing order for £66! Thank you, comrade.

But the most generous contributor over the last seven days is comrade AC, with his fantastic £100 bank transfer. Other bank transfers/standing orders came our way from FK (£39), BO (£35), CG, DV and NH (£30 each). RG and GD (£25), JD (£20) and TW, IS and SM (£10). Thanks very much to one and all.

And the same applies to our three PayPal donors - GW (£15), MH (£10) and KA (£5). All of you have played a part in increasing the Weekly Worker fighting fund total for October by no less than £460 - up to £694 after just nine days. Our monthly target is, of course, £2,250, so that’s about par for the course.

As I keep stressing, our printing and postage costs have soared, but the need for a paper like the Weekly Worker is also increasing. Where else will you find a paper that champions free and open debate within its letters pages, carries serious polemics pitting different viewpoints and all with the central aim of uniting the principled left behind the project of building a Communist Party? Only if that is achieved can the working class hope to win the battle for extreme democracy and socialism.

Last week we not only carried a four-page supplement - FT tint and all - we got hundreds more printed for the successful, 300,000-strong, October 5 Palestine demonstration. It went down hugely well. That, of course, meant extra costs in printing and postage. So we need our monthly fund target regularly met and, when possible, substantially exceeded. We’re still a long way off that target for October, so readers upping their contributions is vital for us! See below to find out how you can do your bit.

Our bank account details are
name: Weekly Worker
sort code: 30-99-64
account number: 00744310

To make a donation or set up
a regular payment visit