WW archive > Issue 1510 - 10 October 2024

Notes on the war
It has, for the moment, become the forgotten war. Nonetheless, warns Jack Conrad, there is a distinct danger of escalation, even nuclear weapons, not least if the use of British Storm Shadows against Russia has been given the go-ahead
Lars and Vol 38; Pondering Lars; Old Aunt Lars; Slogan fetish; Second coming
How to buy a government
Labour is supposed to be the party of working people, but its recent troubles show how bourgeois politics and big money interweave, argues Paul Demarty
Nothing clean about it
Labour is pouring billions into over-hyped CCS technology as part of an effort to prolong the life of fossil fuel capitalism, writes Eddie Ford. Lobbying by oil companies has paid off handsomely
Formulations, fetishes and failures
Steve Bloom dogmatically clings to ‘new left Trotskyist’ orthodoxy, says Mike Macnair, and this leads him and his co-thinkers to strategic unrealism and abandoning working class political independence
What’s really behind the war?
South Africa provides no strategic guide. The indigenous population is neither needed nor wanted. Zionism has two key strategic aims: ethnic cleansing and maintaining regional hegemony, Moshé Machover explains
Waiting for the payback
Though they have been repeatedly condemned as haram, some leading elements in the Iranian regime want to go for nuclear weapons, warns Yassamine Mather