WW archive > Issue 1509 - 03 October 2024

Itching for war on four fronts
Tehran’s theocratic regime has fallen into a ‘trap’ of Netanyahu’s making. With Israel wanting to fight Gaza, West Bank, Lebanon and Iran, the whole region looks in danger of being dragged down into a terrible conflagration. Yassamine Mather looks to the revolutionary politics of the working class
Pathetic parody; Unbalanced; Kimist Stalinism; Psychobabble; Seminal truth; Fossil fool
They worshipped many gods
What Christians call the Old Testament depicts the ancient Hebrews being dedicated to the Yahweh cult, but also erecting altars on high places and sacrificing to Baal. Jack Conrad explores the origins of Judaism
Analysis of historical causes
We must ruthlessly criticise all past attempts. As Mike Macnair once again demonstrates, Steve Bloom’s arguments on method and history only give support to dogmatism and personality cults
Davos on the Mersey
Corporate representatives flocked to attend the Liverpool conference, where they could freely lobby, influence and bribe. Eddie Ford looks at the root-and-branch cynicism, corruption and sectionalism of Labourism
No illusions in greens
Under the leadership of Carla Denyer and Adrian Ramsay, the Green Party has moved considerably to the right. Despite that there are some on the left who want to sign up. Carla Roberts is unconvinced
Establishing a principled left
CPGB’s Provisional Central Committee calls for others on the left, individuals and organisations, in Britain and internationally, to discuss and agree this statement with a view to cementing principled unity and furthering the struggle against war and capitalism
Desire utopia but neglect politics
Mike Belbin remembers Fredric Jameson, April 14 1934-September 22 2024
Hiding the hack
Even though the odds are too close to call, why are US media outlets so unwilling to use leaked material about Trump’s running mate? Paul Demarty investigates
Online Communist Forum, Sunday October 6 5pm
Moshé Machover: What’s really behind the war in the Middle East?