

You did it!

A big thank you to all our readers and supporters who helped us get over the line in June and raise that much needed monthly total of £2,250 for the Weekly Worker fighting fund!

Still needing £370 in the last four days of the month, we are pleased to say that £399 came our way, taking our total for June up to £2,279. Well done, everyone!

Thanks in particular go to BK, who donated a very generous £100, LM, whose monthly standing order is for £80, plus other SOs/bank transfers from JT (£25), OG (£24), AB (£20) and MD (£10). Then there were last-minute PayPal contributions from DB and AC (£50 each). MS (£18), JB (£7) and EG (£5). Finally that well known stalwart, comrade Hassan, handed his usual £10 note to one of our team.

So in June we exceeded the target by £29, but what about July? First up is comrade AC, who came up with his usual tremendous monthly kick-off of £100. Other start-of-the-month standing orders and bank transfers came from MM (£31), DL, BK, MW, SJ and II (£20 each), MD (£18), BG and MT (£15), TM (£13), MM (£11), DC, AN, CP, YM and DI (£10) and JS (£6).

Finally there was £60 via PayPal from comrade TB. This was intended as his annual subscription, but when it was pointed out that he had already paid his sub just a few months ago, he declined the offer of a refund and insisted we take it as a donation! Brilliant, comrade!

All this shows how much the Weekly Worker is appreciated. With just three days gone, our running total for July is already £419. Now we need to keep up the momentum and make sure we reach that £2,250 target once again.

For details of how to help us out, please use the link below. Keep up the good work, comrades!

Our bank account details are
name: Weekly Worker
sort code: 30-99-64
account number: 00744310

To make a donation or set up
a regular payment visit