

Four days left

As we near the end of June, once again we have that monthly £2,250 fighting fund target in our sights. As I write, we have received a total of £1,880, which means the Weekly Worker still needs another £370 in just four days.

But that is far from impossible. It just means we could do with a few more readers and supporters helping us out by this weekend (Sunday June 30). Take the last seven days - there were two three-figure donations (thanks very much, comrades SK and PM), plus standing orders/bank transfers from JC (£70), GT and SO (£35 each), DR, DG and MM (£20), IS (£10) and TT (£6).

On top of that, comrades JN, JS and SS each contributed £7 by PayPal, while our favourite cash donor, comrade Hassan, handed a tenner to one of our team. All that came to £650! - not bad at all for just seven days.

I can’t stress enough how much the Weekly Worker relies on these brilliant readers and supporters to keep publishing our paper - which is unique, in that it alone campaigns tirelessly for the one thing the working class needs above everything else: a principled, united, democratic Marxist party.

So please help us raise that extra £370 in just four days. Make a bank transfer or click on our PayPal button - for all the details you need, go to the web address below.

We need you like you need the Weekly Worker!

Our bank account details are
name: Weekly Worker
sort code: 30-99-64
account number: 00744310

To make a donation or set up
a regular payment visit