

Let’s make sure

With £404 coming our way over the last week, we are edging closer to the Weekly Worker’s £2,250 fighting fund target for June.

A word of warning though - while our running total for the month stands at £1,230, there are now only 11 days remaining to raise the £1,020 still needed. In other words, we now need an average of just under £100 per day if we’re going to get there.

But we can do it. The dedication and consistent support from our readers assures me of that. Take some of the excellent donations we received over the last seven days. First of all, comrade KB contributed a brilliant £170 - despite being seriously ill for months. Best wishes and many thanks, comrade! Then there was MM with his monthly £75, while other standing orders/bank transfers were from GB (£50), TR (£40), OG (£24), GS (£20) and SS (£15). Finally Italian-based comrade MZ came up with his usual monthly £10 via PayPal.

Meanwhile, comrade GF, who has just taken out a standing order for his subscription, has included an extra £20 towards the fund. He writes: “How could I have missed the Weekly Worker for all these years? You’re easily the most interesting and democratic of all the left papers!” Thanks, comrade - we look forward to receiving your first contribution next month.

But now we need to focus on making that £2,250 target for June. Please send us a cheque, make a transfer or use PayPal. You can visit our website via the link below to play your part. Let’s make sure we do it!

Our bank account details are
name: Weekly Worker
sort code: 30-99-64
account number: 00744310

To make a donation or set up
a regular payment visit